北台灣老街: 新北市深坑老街(豆腐)、新北市鶯歌老街(陶藝)、新北市九份基山老街(茶屋小吃)、新北市淡水老街(海風,魚丸,阿給)、新竹新埔老街(板條,桔餅)
中台灣老街 南投集集小鎮(火車站)、南投車埕老街(木材集散地,車站)、彰化鹿港老街(古時候貿易商港,寺廟,古蹟,半邊井,摸乳巷) There is an Old Street in the center of every famous tourism attraction place. The old street usually has historical buildings and special local food. For example, ShengZhong Old street you can have tofu, which is freshly hand made, and you can eat sticky tofu with a soy drink, or tofu pudding.
YingGe Old street you can do pottery, or if you walk around it, you might find some beautiful plates/cups/bowls.
DaiShi Old Street you can enjoy the river view, eat fish balls, and try a special local food called “A Gei” (which is made of fish paste and wrapped with tofu skin)
LuGong old street has may temples and landmarks, such as the old trading port, Tin Hau Temple, Touching the milk alley.