

There is a God of Love in Taiwan’s religion. He is an old man with long beard, very nice and kind like a grandfather.
He holds the marriage book on one hand, and a cruch on the other hand. People called him “The Chinese Cupid”
The story of him took place in Song Dynesty.
One day, a young man saw an old man reading a book without any wording on it. The young man was very curious so he asked the old man “May I know what your are reading?”
The old man replies: “This is a book of marriage”
The young man asks : “So may I know who will be my wife in the future?”
Old man says: “You will marry the girl who’s mothers sells vegetables”
The young man didn’t believe it, because the little girl is only 3 years old, and she is not beautiful.
He did not want this to come true, so he sent someone to kill the little girl.
The girl was very lucky that she didn’t die, but a scar was left on her forehead forever.
Many years later, the young man finally got married.
On his wedding night, he noticed the scar on his wife’s forehead, and he realized she was the little girl, just like what the old man said!
Therefore, God of Love is very popular for people seeking love.
There are 3 famous temples of God of love:

People who are looking for love, will go to the temple with their basic information.
Such as: name, birth hour, the outlook or age of your dream lover, the more detail the better.
Then they will throw a dice 3 times, until the result shows positive,then you can get a small red rope.
This red rope will bring you to the other half, and tie you together.

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