

Taiwan is located on the central of western Pacific Ocean, which is the migration route for the birds.
Thousand of different birds visit Taiwan all season long, most of the birds fly long distance to rest and stop here.
Summer birds lay eggs in Taiwan and live here until Fall. They prepare to fly to South, somewhere warmer for winter. And they will return back to Taiwan in the next Spring.
Winter birds from Siberia usually come to Taiwan during winter time, because Taiwan is much warmer than where they came from.


夏候鳥在台灣繁殖產卵、養育幼鳥,等秋天到了,準備往南飛,飛到台灣以南的國家過冬,到了第二年春天,再飛回台灣。 如杜鵑等
冬候鳥在西伯利亞產卵、養育幼鳥,到了冬天,準備向南飛,飛來台灣過冬,第二年的春天,在飛回西伯利亞。 黑面琵鷺

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