



In the hot summer, swimming is definitely a great activity to do!
There are several Long Distance Swimming Contests in Taiwan, for example, Wai Mu Mountain in Keeloung, Green Isalnd in TaiDong, or Sun Moon Lake in Nantou.
The most famous one is held in Sun Moon Lake every September.
As the 2nd largest lake in Taiwan, Sun Moon Lake has magnificent view which attracts people from all over the world to join the swimming contest.
More than 10 thousands of people will gather together, and swim across the lake, which is about 3000 meters distance.
it is so called the biggest carnival of the fall season in Taiwan!


寒單爺是掌管錢財的財神爺 。

臺東地區元宵節炮炸寒單爺的活動,是從民國 43年初開始,迄今已盛行50多年。臺東市每逢正月十五、十六之夜,各商家店舖均提早打烊,預備烘爐生火及放鞭炮,準備迎接「寒單爺」-財神爺的來臨。

由四名身材彪形矯健的轎夫抬著上身赤裸的寒單爺,由年輕氣盛真人上轎,赤膊裸身只著一條紅色短褲子,頭上包裹著紅布巾,主要是用以保護頭髮、耳朵、眼睛等頭部;手中持拿一把榕樹枝葉(註一),主要是保護眼睛,以便於把鞭炮擋下 。


Firecrackers at Master Han Dan
It is a very special event is Taiwan. Master Han Dan is the God of Wealth. By throwing him firecracker, the more exploration, the more money comes to you.
There will be a man takes place of the Master Han Dan, he will wear a red short pant and cover his face with a towel only, nothing on the top.
He will be carried by 4 people on a sedan chair. He must stand strong because many people will throw firecrackers at his body.
This worship event happens in Taitung, Hualien, and Yu Li. But only Taitung has this particular activity.
So if you are interested in this event, please protect yourself with proper clothing, and remember to wear a hamlet.
The more you throw, the money come to you! Good luck!